When you don’t know what to pray

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I’d texted in a panic. That quick, she’d called, hearing me out and walking me through. Then she said it, the nugget-truth that turned on the light:  “He always intercedes for us. To know what to pray, sit with Him. Listen in and see how He’s praying here.”

Like that, I saw Him, Jesus the Christ, faithful intercessor. Face upraised, eyes upon the Father. And me, sitting at His side, listening, still.

That was some days ago. Over and over, my mind has returned to her words and this key to power in prayer: “Listen to Him, see how He’s praying, then pray like that.”

If we could sit, you and I, across from each other, mugs in between, I’d tell you what it’s done. I’d tell you how wonderful it is, to eavesdrop on Jesus. How much power there is in praying like Him, and how it’ll surprise you.

I’d tell you how it removes judgment of others, for He sees, Jesus does, right into the heart. He loves with His whole one–loves me and loves you–and praying like Him, it transforms yours so that you love others, too. Just. Like. Him.

What relief! What hope! We don’t have to guess, you and I, at what He wants. There’s no need to trust in human wisdom to prevail in prayer. Jesus, our kinsman redeemer, our elder brother and great intercessor, is ever praying. For us. For others. For our country and for the world.

When someone you love is struggling, sit tight with Him and see what He’s saying. When circumstances are dire and you’re at wit’s end, listen in and see what He’s asking. When the world’s gone mad and children are slaughtered, ask Him how He’s praying.

Then pray like that. Pray just like that and know beyond any doubt’s shadow that you’re praying aright, that answers will come.

They will, if we’re praying like Him.

This came to mind just now after a phone call with a friend. It’s become a way of life, this kind of prayer, and it’s a blessing immeasurable and priceless.

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