Dear Mommy and Daddy, God is amaaazing!

Word has come this morning that little Lincoln has finally met “his God.” My mind struggles to picture what Lincoln is seeing, to hear what he is hearing. To know what he knows now. If he could send a message to the mommy and daddy that he so loves, it might go something like this…
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I am having the best day ever. God is amaaazing! Some strong, bright angels with very tall wings carried me up here where He lives, and they helped me get through the gates. God’s angels carry big swords, Daddy, way bigger than the spear you made me when we went hunting, but they were very gentle, and I wasn’t afraid.
When the gates opened up, that’s when I saw Jesus. I ran as fast as I could, like a cheetah, only faster, and I jumped so high. Jesus scooped me up and gave me a big, big hug. He squeezed me real tight, like when you squeeze me and Bridger together in a squishy hug. He was laughing, and then I was laughing, and everybody up in heaven, we were all laughing and yelling. And Jesus said, “Good job, little buddy. I’m proud of you.”
After Jesus, I met His Daddy. He held me on His lap, and He said that I had done the job He had given me to do, and He was smiling so big when He said it. He told me that He was planning a party (oh, I just love parties) and that at the party, I would see “the fruit of my work.” I didn’t know what He was talkin’ about, izzackly, but I could just tell it was gonna be perfect. The perfect party.
The Holy Spirit is here, too, Mommy. He’s the One Who helps you know how to be the best kind of mommy and tells you what to write and comforted you when I was so sick and you were scared. He’s even better at makin’ sad people feel better than you are, and that means He’s really, really good at it. He is so sweet and kind and–and…well, I can’t stop hugging Him.
The colors in heaven are so bright, and there are so many of them. I wish I could ‘splain it better, but it’s hard and I don’t know all the words. It’s like the colors are alive, and there’s this light, like rainbows everywhere.
There are kids everywhere, too, so many boys and girls for me to play with, and Jesus says we’ve got stuff to build. Just pretty soon, I think we’re gonna go make somethin’. It’ll be the best project ever, and after that, we’re gonna play some games. Maybe He’ll teach me to shoot a bow. That way when you get here, Daddy, we can do target practice together, only I’ll be better than you.
I can’t wait ’til you get here, and Bridger, too. He will really love heaven just as much as me. We can have races and tussle, and I’ll introduce him to all my new friends. Tell him to love Jesus real hard with all his might just like I do and just like you do ’cause one day, the angels will come and bring you up here to meet God and me, together.
God and me and you, Mommy and Daddy and Bridger, all together someday soon. I can’t wait!
Author’s note: Although my last name is also Schrock, I’m not related to Lincoln’s family by blood. But in a very real way, we are family, for Lincoln’s God is my God, too. When I grow up, I wanna be like Lincoln.