“God is still in this world”

In morning’s dark, I glance up. Outside the kitchen window, the graceful fingers of the towering pine are silhouetted against the light. Dawn is breaking, and its brilliant colors are tangling with the fragrant, hanging greens.
I sprint to the back window that overlooks The Three. Yes! There in the east, the sun is rising, and the light’s begun to spread. The horizon’s tinged with a coming fire.
As I stand in silence, facing the light, these words spring up, unbidden: “God is still in this world.” And in my heart, the light.
In America, this is a season of great heaviness. For weeks, I have felt the grave and pressing weight of what is happening in my country. Any and all news reports notwithstanding, the election is still underway. It’s not been fully decided. It’s a spiritual battle, and there is wickedness in high (and low) places. We’re exhausted in the heat of such battle.
In addition to that, fears of a virus are still crippling. Mandates being enacted are crippling. The strife and dissension that accompany it all? Crippling, too. On every hand, restriction, suffocation, oppression of spirit, soul, body, and mind.
But back, now, to the Light.
Last night during my daily chat with our son, he told me that he’d found this verse, “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and leap like calves from a stall (Malachi 4:2).” For a prodigal who’s run far, run wide, these words of old brought comfort.
“God is still in this world.” Again, I return to these hope-filled words. The truth is that no matter how things appear, God is still here, and He is at work. He hasn’t gone away.
“God is still in this world.” Because of this, Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love are still in our midst, still here for us to receive and to know. His name, my friend, is Jesus.
As I looked toward the eastern sky and that light, I remembered God’s promise; that one day, the Sun of Righteousness will return. That a trumpet will sound. That all who have placed their faith in Him will be caught up into the clouds. On the horizon, there is a coming fire.
The precious truth is that Jesus WILL come. Heaven IS real, and all of these things that distress will pass away. May you feel those healing wings wrapping around your heart today.
For the love of God and country,
The curly-headed, caffeinated American mom