He knows your name

Days passed, and nothing. Despair turned to anger in the pit I was in, and exhaustion hovered black o’er my days. And then.
And then on a hot and bright August morn, there she came. She in her dark, exotic beauty with her husband, a plain-spoken, brusque kind of fellow. They landed in “my” coffee shop, sat right next to “my” table, and she opened her mouth and she spoke.
She spoke words that He’d put in her mouth. She, not knowing my name. I, not knowing hers, but Father God, loving and kind, knowing us both…and our names.
Tears rained down as the lovely stranger spoke that day. For she didn’t know. She couldn’t know, and that’s how I knew it was Him.
I can still feel it, the wonder, the awe of that moment. Turning tear-stained face to her, I said, “What is your background?” And she, dripping confidence, oozing joy, she said this: “I was an atheist. I was walking in the desert. And He knew my name. He knew my name! It was Jesus…”
It was a miraculous encounter, and such precious ministry occurred that day (and in these ensuing months) that I can scarce tell the whole without crying.
This morning, I take my place once more outdoors where, too, precious ministry’s occurred. I breathe it in, sitting there in the quiet, the scent of the rain that came soft in the night. Hands curled around mug, I open His Word. And find this…
“But now, this is what the Lord says–he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel. Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. (Isa. 43:1).”
Who can doubt the love of the Lord? Who could run from such tenderness, such grace? That God Almighty would choose us. Would pick us–on purpose–to be His boys and girls? What wonder! What mercy! What love!
Knowing all that we were, still He chose. Knowing all that we’ve done, He said yes. Knowing all that we weren’t, still He took us. He redeemed us, and called us by name.
Oh, dear friend. Wherever you are, He can see you. Whatever you lack, He’ll supply. No matter how lost, He can find you. He’s redeemed, so don’t fear. And still this…
Father God, He knows your name.
With love,