It should be natural

She hugged me there on the high stool in my favorite corner. “What are you reading?” she asked eagerly.
“I’m in Isaiah,” I said, “and I wish I could understand this part.” Wheeling about, she dashed out to her car, returning in a trice with her own Bible.
Heads bent, we read the ancient words, breaking together the bread of life, and in a few quick moments, light broke through. Ah, yes. And wasn’t it always about the heart?
We talked some more, and in an encounter I knew had been arranged by the Holy Spirit, we identified generational bondage in my own life through the story of her own, and right there we offered together a prayer of confession and of deliverance.
“Hallelujah!” I wanted to shout. “Yes!! Thank You, Lord.”
Then this older woman who had herself been bound in fear once upon a time, counseled me about issues of life, on things like intimacy with Christ and how confidence is not pride and that when we’re one with Him, the supernatural becomes natural.
When we’re walking with Jesus, she told me, knowing, then “you don’t have to arrange one thing (for your calling). He does it. He brings it to you.” And just like that, some pressure was lifted. Some burden was gone.
She prayed once more before she snatched up her coffee and left, and I knew by her words that the Spirit was speaking through her.
“The supernatural becomes natural.” This is what I’m thinking – meditating – on today. And that, dear ones, is why we count. That’s why we trace His fingerprints in our lives. Having eyes that see the supernatural in what at first appears to be natural is transformational. It’s life changing. It’s worship all day long, every day, when blurry, self-focused eyes turn instead to the Creator and Father. Then we truly begin to see.
How thankful I am for these lavish graces today (#751-762):
– ordained appointment with this wise, wise woman
– deep healing, the work of the Holy Spirit
– spending time with Little at the greater family garage sale when I’m normally working
– warm weather and the time to run in it!
– learning from Boy Three that a classmate (sixth grade, alright?), a young Amish boy, reads this mama’s column (the demographics astound me) and hearing from readers at a community event (only Jesus can take a scaredy-cat)
– three boy compliments in two days (now, that’s not natural) FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger
– answered prayer for God to send work for College Kid; Jesus (remember?) can do anything!
– a happy, happy singer/dancer who got to go to Chicago over the weekend to perform
– overhearing the happy dancer’s phone call with a friend (“You pray for me for…and I’ll pray for you”); he’s 17