Learning to pray

Categorized as  prayer,  training

I’ve discovered that if I listen closely, I can pick up a clue now and then about that particular day’s sins. Take last night, for instance. He was jabbering along and I heard something about “naughty” and “scissors.” Sure enough. A big brother reported that while I was out running, there was a dispute over the scissors. Little wanted them and Brother said no. Whereupon Little pitched a fit.

So, I think he was confessing. I really do.

We grinned at each other in amusement as we listened, but I told his brothers afterward that what they were witnessing was the very beginnings of a teeny, tiny person learning to speak to his Heavenly Father and that this was a very precious thing. We talked about how in many homes, this is not what three year olds are learning. “Some of them learn to swear before they learn to pray,” one of them observed.

“Let the children come,” Jesus said.

I’m ever so glad that Gabriel is coming.

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