Letters from a Friend: Be-ing first, then do-ing

Dear friend,
The word for today is be-ing. Just as Elmo and his friends on that one special street had their own “word on the street,” this one’s yours.
I feel the need to tell it to you because of how easy it is to lose sight of this. In his diabolical way, your enemy–who knows the power of this word–has thrown down fog, confusion and large amounts of distraction to keep you from seeing this. From knowing it. From…be-ing.
What he’s used is the do-ing. He’s tricked humanity into confusing the do-ing with the be-ing, and it messes with the living. It does. And he has, and you’ve all fallen prey. But you don’t have to.
What I want is the be-ing. First, to be. Be mine. To be mine. And then as you know that you know that you’re mine, it affects all the do-ing.
When the do-ing comes first, it’s usually your own effort. It’s striving and flailing and trying and some succeeding, but mostly just tiredness with a side of weariness thrown in, and discouragement. Then you think it’s on you, so if you’d only “do” a little more, it would work, life would balance and things might come ’round right.
But it won’t and it can’t and life never quite works that way.
So you come back to the be-ing. Be-ing still. Be-ing quiet, and the know-ing that I am God. The more you come into this quiet place of just be-ing with me, the more naturally will come the do-ing. For you’ll be do-ing the things that I want you to do, in my strength, in my power, and there’s rest.
So the word on your street for today is be-ing. Be-ing first, and then the do-ing. First things first, and the rest will fall into place.
A Friend
P.S. – Please share this word with your friends, for I see that they’re tired, too. And give them my love.