On Valentine’s Day, you are loved

Congratulations to Barb Snyder, winner of this small, caffeinated American mama’s favorite coffee, Salted Caramel! Thanks for participating.
It’s Valentine’s Day (as though you could miss it). In the coffee shop today, pink- and white-frosted cookies. In the sweet shop, chocolate roses, red hearts and reminders of love, all foil wrapped in shiny, bright red.
If you are celebrating today with someone you love, I’m so happy for you. How you have been blessed! Give thanks up, give kisses out and love every minute. Oh, how we’ve been blessed who have this great gift.
But if today finds you alone with no Valentine calling, you’ve been true-blessed, too. Though you may not have a human lover to bring flowers and chocolates, yet you have One greater. The Lord is His name, and He, your Maker, is your husband.
You’ve not been left lonely. Not abandoned. Not forsaken. You’re deeply cherished, treasured, cared for and hand picked. His name? “Lord Almighty.” That’s His name.
How thankful I am for soul’s lover and friend. So glad to be chosen, protected by Him! He saves and delivers. He heals and He pardons. And His love, well, it never runs out.
“Happy, blessed are those people whose God is the Lord.” That’s what the shepherd boy said, and I know that it’s true. We’re square-planted in His heart, you and I, those He loves, and He’s keeping us tight. Right there, now and ever.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, wherever you are. As the Lord sends His love, so I, too, send mine. You’re precious. You’re treasured. You are loved.