Presidential Visit

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Last night we were watching Fox News in prime time, and there, being interviewed, was a gentleman from our church. I’m not sure of his title, but his work involves infrastructure, planning construction of roads around here, from what I could gather. It was quite a lengthy segment, and when they went to close it out, their reporter, we noted, was literally within spitting distance of our front porch, standing by our middle school on our street.

Just now, the teenager came home from an early-morning assignment with Port-A-Pit chicken, which is almost across the street from where the President will be speaking. There, the GOP are holding a rally. There are some protest signs, but he said it looked like they were having fun.

Now, directly up the road, the President will be landing very shortly in the middle school football field. Jordan said there are policemen and Secret Service everywhere. Crowds are lining the streets, some holding signs, and people are waiting to see the motorcade.

Our other teenager is up there scouting on his bike. He called me just now on the cell phone and said the officials are saying he has to stay in town until the President leaves. He can’t bike back home, so security is tightening up now.

He took the camera with him, so hopefully I will have some pictures to post later on about all the excitement up town.

Whatever your political leanings are, whatever your religious beliefs are, and whether or not you voted at all, you do have this obligation – we are told in Scripture to pray for our leaders. So please do just that. Pray for President Obama and for our country.

Complaining has no power. Hatred for the man himself is literally heathen behavior and has no power to change anythng. Prayer is our God-given privilege, and it’s our responsibility. Therein lies real power.

Soberly, and yet with Holy Spirit confidence,


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