That’s what Mama says

Boy, that was fun. When you’re six like me, a kindergarten field trip is a really big deal. I was so excited that Mama said I vibrated for days, I was that happy.
Our trip was on Thursday (yesterday), so when I woke up, I called Mama on her phone. She was writing her column at the coffee shop. (I call her a lot ’cause one of my big brothers taught me her number, and I use it to ask important questions like, “Can I pack a cookie?” and stuff like that.) But yesterday, I only called her to say, “I just wanted to remind you about my field trip.” She laughed and said, yes, she remembered. I think she said something like, “Why did those guys teach him my number,” but I couldn’t quite tell.
Anyway, we got to look around in a grocery store. Since we were going to eat at a park close by, we had to pack sack lunches with stuff we could throw away. I asked Mama and Daddy (well, Mama says I lobbied, whatever that is) to please-please-pretty-please get me a kids’ meal from “Suvway.” Which they did, and I vibrated again because lunch is way more fun when it comes in a bright red bag with a superhero on the front.
Since it was cold yesterday, I had to wear my gloves and my Lightning McQueen stocking cap, and when I got home, Mama laughed. She said I had hat hair, and she made me look in the mirror. I think she kissed me on my ruffled-up hair, and then she stood me up against the fridge right beside the rainbow I colored, and she took a picture. You can see that one up at the top.
She took another one, too. And that one’s right here:
See that man right above my rainbow? That’s Friend Jesus. One of my brothers put that on his locker. All year, he had Jesus right on the door. When Mama heard it, she was very happy to know that Brother wanted Jesus with him at his school, and she put Him on the fridge.
Mama likes His picture a lot. I like it, too. It helps me remember the day I heard Him knocking (Mama says He knocks on the door of your heart), and I said, “Yes. You can come in,” and she helped me pray a prayer.
I see her looking at that picture. A lot. Sometimes she looks happy, and sometimes her face is sad. Sometimes it looks like she’s talking to Him, like maybe she’s whispering stuff to Friend Jesus on our fridge.
Mama tells me that Jesus is our Shepherd, and we’re His little lambs. She talks about it when we’re driving to church and we pass the pasture where the sheep live. She says how Jesus takes care of us all the time ’cause that’s what shepherds do for sheep. I feel all happy and safe inside when we talk about it.
She loves this picture of me, Mama does, with Friend Jesus right behind my shoulder. It reminds her, she says, that the Shepherd is with me and my family, the folks that she loves best in all the world, and that she can trust Him to take care of us for her.
Mama says that Jesus does that for all of His sheep. That means you, too, if you said yes when you heard Him knocking. So I know it’s true, that He watches over us all, because that’s what my Mama says.