The faith of the least

Categorized as  intercession, childlike faith

It was two weeks ago today that word came via Grandma Schrock that a brother-in-law and sister-in-law were on their way to a far-off hospital with their own boy, small, who’d begun his day with seizures.  From out of the blue, they’d struck, scaring them dumb.  Snatching him up from the floor where he lay, his big, strong daddy had rushed him to the local physician who then sent them on to the nearest hospital where a specialist was waiting.

Our own little boy had heard me tell it that day, and to my glad surprise, he’d sunk to his knees on the kitchen floor and prayed aloud, head resting on folded hands:  “Dear Jesus, please heal Daunte…”

After several days, a couple of tests, and much conversation with the specialist, they’d returned home.  To more seizures, more questions, and more medication.  Unsettled and fearful, they’d called the doctor who asked that they return with him this week.

I don’t recall mentioning it to him.  Perhaps he heard me telling his father that Grandma had called again and that all was not well.  But there he was when I went into the bathroom to help him finish up.  He was perched on the edge with his head bowed.  What are you thinking, little boy?

Curious, I asked him the question: “What are you thinking about?”  And this was his reply, “I’m praying for Daunte right now.”

“What are you praying about?” I pressed.

He mumbled then, and I caught “healing” and “tickle” and “arm.”  Ah, yes.  Daunte’s seizures begin with a tingling in his arm.  Knowing this, he was praying for Jesus to heal the “tickle” in his cousin’s arm.

“Oh, Gabriel,” I said, happiness in my voice.  “I’m so glad you know how to pray.  He needs your prayers right now ’cause he’s still sick!”

“He needs my prayers, doesn’t he?” he said, looking at me with those piercing blue eyes.

“He sure does, Gabe,” I said. “He sure does.”

With a grateful heart, this mother gives thanks that the Spirit of the Living Christ works in the hearts of even the littlest and the least who, at the tender age of four, can intercede for those they love.

Holy Spirit, come.  Empower us and enable us and give us the faith of a small child that knows the One Who alone  is worthy of our trust.  Fill our hearts with resurrection power and life this Eastertide.  Amen.

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