When you come to the end of your ‘self,’ God is there

Tide’s in. Tide’s out. The globe, it’s a-turning. One circle, then the next. Seasons come. Seasons go.
Frost bites. Snow falls on fields that lie fallow. Then sun kisses soil, and new life colors green. The vibrancy of spring quickens the spirit, and spring slowly gives way to summer’s heat. And ground cracks.
The calendar, it turns, and pages fall down. Like pieces of death falling, falling from trees. Orange, gold, brown and red. They carpet the ground. Come full circle, and it’s winter.
Seasons change.
Today, I’m back out on the road, and like that, Father’s talking. For the season where I’ve been? Weeks of ‘hard.’ Weeks of ‘crushed.’ And now, at long last, explanation.
“You were under assault. I allowed satan to attack you. To bring you down low. To bring you to the end of your ‘self.’“
Slap, slap, slap. Shoes on pavement.
“Your prayers for right desires? That I will hold true to My word? I was answering those prayers.”
Slap, slap, slap. Girl is listening.
“For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” That verse, I had claimed, and I’d been after the reminding. “You said it, I need it, please do it.”
And He did.
“I allowed the enemy to attack you. I was, in a sense, using him. His own hatred and arrogance blind him, and so he doesn’t know when I’m using him (or allowing him) to accomplish My purposes. I never took My eye or My mind off of you for one split second.”
Slap, slap, slap. And I’m thinking on the stronghold that crashed down just this week. Ground’s shaking.
I’ve turned the corner, and He’s teaching. “There was much that I did not allow that you do not know.”
Father’s watching, protecting.
“This season you’ve been in, you’re at the end.”
Slap. Slap. Slap. Seasons change.
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Cor. 4:8-9).” That’s what Paul said.
Seasons change.
For the one who finds herself in a long and sustained assault, take heart. For the one who’s being sifted at the enemy’s hand, know this…
That your Father is watching. Always careful, protecting, and He’s working it all out for your good. Yes, He is.
What the enemy means for destruction, He means for good. Satan will be defeated at his own game.
And then this–when you come to the end of your self, God is there.
He is there, and your ‘season’s’ about to change.
With so much hope and joy in my heart,