Why Christmas is for nobodies

I’m taking a strategic break from social media right now with plans to savor the season. But as I slip away, I want to leave you with this…
I’m thinkin’ an awful lot about Mary these days. How she was a nobody from nowhere who hadn’t done anything, really. Or not that anyone knew.
But in her simple, ordinary life in her simple, ordinary village and home, God handpicked her to do the impossible; that being, to mother His Son.
God, it seems, has a history of using the last and the least to accomplish the amazing and miraculous. So…
For the girl who thinks she’s got nothing. For the fellow who feels like Nobody from Nowhere, there’s this: If you have received anything from Mary’s boy, from Papa’s son, then you DO have something to give.
If you have received peace and comfort, a message of wisdom or insight. If you have received a nugget of hope, gently placed in your basket, then you do, too, have somethin’ to give. So then give it.
The Lord Christ Who took a little boy’s humble lunch and blessed it? He’s still that same Jesus today. The Master of Multiplication can take what you have and make it be more than enough. Yes, He can.
A country girl. A hungry boy. A couple of fish and some bread. And Jesus.
That’s why there’s Hope in this season. For everybody, for Nobody, for somebody.
Merry Christmas!