Welcome to my new home

Welcome to my new home in cyberspace! It was in February or March of this year that I first saw it. One day as I tried to access the blog, I received an error message. It was down, unavailable. I sent a message to the administrator and waited.
Meanwhile, I’d begun sending submissions to The Epoch Times, a large, international newspaper. To my delight, a number of my essays were forwarded to different editors. I waited, and I kept on writing.
Then one day, the very thing I feared, happened. I received an email from the submissions team. “We visited your website. Unfortunately, your blog isn’t working.” I knew then that the old site was beyond repair, and I needed a new one. But when? And with whom? Again, I waited.
Then in June my phone rang. It was an important and heartwarming conversation with a special friend that only God could have brought my way. I hung up the phone that night and said to Mr. Schrock, “It’s go time.”
As bouncy and impetuous and fun-loving as I am, I can be easily overwhelmed with certain decisions that are outside my wheelhouse. Building a website was one.
“Lord, guide me through this because I don’t know what I’m doing. Bring the right people to me,” I prayed. And then I waited.
A month later while on vacation, a dear friend mentioned that she had been interviewing web designers for her brother’s business. She had just hired one, and they’d begun to build the site. She sent me the name and when we got home, I called them. A gentleman by the name of Chris Bigelow answered my questions, gave me the helpful information that I needed, and just like that, I had my team. Joshua J. Lyons Marketing it would be.
Then it was time for photos. Piece by piece, the guidance came. From the photographer to outfits to alterations to a makeup artist to the perfect place and perfect day for the shoot, every tiny detail clicked into place. Now it is finished, and I am grateful.
In a tiny way, I feel a bit like Noah. “Build,” God said, and he did. Though not a drop of rain was falling; though not a cloud hung low’ring in the sky, he built. When the floods came, he was ready, and the ark accomplished its mission.
My mission here is that this will be a place of connection. A place of comfort, warmth, hope, and fresh courage. A place of retreat in the flood.
Sometimes you’ll be challenged. Sometimes you’ll laugh out loud. Sometimes we’ll discuss some hard things, but that’s what friends do together. Always, of course, with love. Always, yes, with respect. And always (oh, yes!) over coffee.
To celebrate this grand opening, I want to give two of you a $25.00 gift card from my favorite coffee shop in all of the world, Main Street Roasters. Nearly all of the 350 Grounds for Insanity columns were written inside those warm, brick walls, and it will be my joy to share a piece of it with you. Just leave me a comment her on this blog post, and I’ll send you some Happy if your name is chosen. I’d love to hear what features you like here in my little coffee shop and what topics interest you.
(Drawing will be held on November 18, 2021. Winner will be notified via email.)
I love your writing lots of encouragement and understanding
Thank you for stopping by!
I love to picture you sitting in your swing, pencil in one hand and a good cup of ‘Morning Starter’ in the other, ready to share your humor-filled nuggets to the crowd. Keep spreading your sunshine.
I’d love to share my swing with you.
I love your writing and your way with words. Thank you for sharing them with us on this beautiful new space!
Thank you, Mary.
I think you are wonderful!
And I value you and your friendship.
I enjoy reading your posts and now your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Thanks, Regina!
I like your title for your columns 350 Grounds for Insanity. Realness is a gift.
Yes, it is.
I love your new site! It’s perfect! I love that you let God lead you in all you do, even when and what to write. Congratulations!
Thank you so much.
So this is what you’ve been up too!! Looks great!! Congratulations!!
Thank you!
I like Main Street Roasters! That’s my home town 😊 I happened onto your Facebook page some time ago and really appreciate your writings.
I’d be thrilled if you’d be one of the winners and could order some “yum” from your hometown. Thank you for visiting!
I love this beautiful new site! As usual when I read your words, I was grinning just reading the “about the author” spot. Looking forward to reading each new article you post. I have no doubt one minute I’ll be smiling and the next you’ll have me tearing up. 🙂
I love you. Thank you for all that you mean to me and my family. XOXO
I love the way you share your life…. honest and “real”. I appreciate the way you allow yourself to learn life lessons and then pass them on.
I appreciate this, Virginia.
Rhonda, I love your new site!! Thank you for using your God given talent with words to give Glory back to HIM! Blessings!!
I appreciate this greatly, my friend. XO!
I’m so excited for you! Your writing always inspires and encourages me and I can’t wait to read more! You’ve been a blessing to me so many times! May God give you peace and lots of grace and wisdom as you enter this new space!❤
Rosie, this blesses me. Thank you.
Simply LOVE your writing style. Reading your blogs is almost like sitting with you in a coffee shop and chatting heart to heart! Your topics are always spot on. Love you!
Now that is the atmosphere I wanted to create. Thank you! I love you so much.
I love your new site and so happy this became a reality for you (not that it was ever doubted!). I enjoy your writing so much and picturing myself sitting at your table drinking coffee and eating cookies.
Now you can drink coffee and eat cookies while you read here. What a fantastic present, seeing your faces in Boston. XO
Congratulations! I hope you do well in your new adventure.
Thank you very much.
I love hearing about your many divine appointments. Your gift of affirmation is life giving. Your being real has been refreshingly encouraging! And, the many pranks your boys pull over you have brought a chuckle into many homes.
God bless as you continue the good work he’s called you to!
Ah, yes. The boys’ pranks. It’s brought many chuckles into this home, even though many times I had to be a “chuckle stuffer” in the moment.
Thank you for your encouragement!
Love your writing style and the topic is always spot on. Keep up the good work! Love you dearly!
I love when God makes all the right pieces fit together as He did with your new website. I enjoyed your first one and am sure I will enjoy your new one. I look forward to all He brings about as a result.
Thank you, Ann. It is the grandest adventure, working in partnership with God. He sure does have an amazing way of fitting the pieces together.
Congratulations on your retirement!
So happy for you and us as reader’s. You are such an inspiration!
Thank you, Julie. You’re an inspiration, too; you’ve survived some very hard things.
You are so inspiring with your writings n your honesty on life experiences. ❤️ Many blessings to you!
Thank you, my friend.
You “built” it beautifully!
Thank you. I love it, too!
Well I will tell you what’s my favorite. Grounds for Insanity. What luxuries these Grounds are. What delicious winter-out-louds this will make for my children and I. I have just dipped my toe in them, and already have shaken with laughter to the point I fear waking my hard working husband.
I love this so, so much!
I love your new website and you already know I love your writing. I’m looking forward to reading Grounds for Insanity again and following your blog posts. Blessings to you as you bring encouragement, love, humor and hope through your writing and this website.
Thank you so much for everything. Seriously. You know the “everything” part, my friend. XO
I love the espresso shots! A great quote is hard to find. I also look forward to reading through the Grounds for Insanity while getting to know you better through your current writing! I feel like I just met a friend who I will learn much from. Thank you for the coffee, it is warming my soul!
Ah, but I do love that, “I feel like I just met a friend.” Do come back and let’s be friends.
I love to read your posts Rhonda. They uplift me and set my day in motion with a positive outlook. I love how God speaks through you. Many blessings for your new blog!
Thank you, Debbie. It encourages me to hear when my writing helps someone else.
You’ve always had a way with words Rhonda! I remember how we could get together when we were young and tell scary stories. You were always the best! I’m so happy to see how God is using your gift for His kingdom! I am always encouraged and blessed by you and your posts.
I remember that! Sitting in a circle, telling scary stories. Thank goodness, we’ve matured a little bit past that.
But we had some great times, and I’m glad we’re still in touch. Thank you.
Oh my goodness, I am so excited for you. This site looks amazing. I’m looking forward to hearing more shenanigans from the three as well as your timely words of encouragement.
Thank you to my childhood best friend (and first cousin). This means a lot to me.
I’m so happy to find you! I’ll be hanging around!
Oh, good! I love finding new friends.
Looking forward to reading your interesting, fun & inspiring writings!
Thank you, Twila!
♥️ when you hear God ask you to talk to the person next to you at the grocery store, pray for the one who seems down, or give a word of encouragement to the boy who’s mom isn’t able to, and sometimes even a hug. Write on…… for when you do it encourages me to see the ones around me and remember to share Jesus in practical ways.
So thankful–always–that God uses my words to effect great good in the world. What a blessed life, to partner with Him.
I love how God works out all the details of our lives without our intervening. Blessings to you in your new venti venture! I hope it exceeds your expectations.
It is just wonderful every time He does that.
Thank you for that last sentence.
Rhonda, this new venture is so exciting. Thanks for sharing your giftings with us!
Blessing to you my friend 💛
Thank you, Miriam. Keep walking. Emmanuel!
I have four children, only 2 boys… but it looks like boys are all very similar! I see that you were sometimes worried about them killing or maiming each other, so it gives me hope that you got them all grown up without that happening!
Ah, yes! Sometimes I tell them, “I let you live to tell about it. That’s not nothing.” LOL.
We’re never bored here. Boys do see to that!
I’ve been blessed over and over again! Pondered, laughed and been sobered! Thank you for sharing your self!
This makes me feel like “mission accomplished,” Karen. Thank you for letting me know.
I love your soul searching posts, the hilarious ones, that we both are blessed with beautiful sons and that you truly love Jesus!
Isn’t it a real privilege, raising boys? I love it and I know you do, too.
Thank you for your kindness here.
This story of waiting in faith is just what I needed to hear. I will happily read whatever you write, because you write with Another, at His direction.
Thank you so much, Janelle. Someday I would like to meet you.
I’ve always appreciated your writing! This new website seems like a perfect way for you to use your God-given gifts. I love it!
Thank you for the feedback, Rodney. I appreciate it!
I’m so excited to see your new website and blog! Looking forward to catching up on all of it! Blessings!
Yea! Thank you!
I’m so happy you’re back.
Me, too! So glad.
Well done Rhonda (and team)! Congratulations on the new space. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do here! I’ve already chuckled in the short time I browsed the new website!
It always makes me happy when I can make someone laugh. You are a tremendous blessing to me and my family. I love and appreciate you and your husband.
A great place to ‘hang out’ with a cup of coffee! I love the inspiration and encouragement you spread to so many people. Congratulations on the website!
Thank you, Canadian friend!
I can’t to read what you have in store for us!!
And I can’t wait to share it with you. Thank you for visiting.
Your posts are so inspiring! Love reading them!
Thank you, Darlene.
Congratulations on the beautiful space! Blessings as you grace the world with hope, encouragement and humor!
I love your skills as a hostess. Having you here is kinda like my turn to host you. XO
You my sweet friend are such a blessing to so many! I am so excited to watch how God uses this tool to reach the world! May you continue to share Jesus around the world!
You have blessed me so much already. God put you in my life, I know.
Congrats, your website looks great. I love your writing, I am looking forward to read more of your blogs.
Hi, Marloes! Thank you for this.
It’s so wonderful how God always works everything out. He’s a good, good God!
And that’s the truth.
Congratulations Rhonda!! I’ve only started perusing through your amazing writings and sharing here but I’ve been blessed already and look forward to more! May God continue to guide and direct you.
Thank you, Dorothy.
Congratulations on the new site…looking forward to reading your words…they challenge and encourage me…
Thank you, Linda!
Rhonda, I always enjoy your writing and your gift of storytelling. I can identify with your topics and am so inspired by your writing. I also admire your gift of affirmation and you have taught me to aspire to do the same to the people I meet. Blessings to you!
That’s my reward, when others learn to do that and pass it on down the line. Clap! Clap!
Oh this is awesome and so beautiful! You bring so much inspiration and have a way of touching the deep places in my heart with your writings… like watering a plant and it goes to the very roots! Can’t wait to read it all!
That’s a delightful word picture! I’ll keep on watering then.
You already know I love you and your writings. You make me laugh, you make me cry, just what a good writer does. I know you will touch the world!
I love your words to me.
Rhonda, what a beautiful, new easy-to-follow site! I sense warmth, love, and kinship. In the past your words have ministered to my heart more often than you know. I am anticipating more on this new site. Thanks for being faithful in your calling of words and opening your heart with kindness, so that stooping shoulders stand a bit straighter, and the lagging feet are energized with a new bounce, and the heavy heart takes courage for the next lap of the journey toward home. Thanks for graciously inviting me into your new space.
This is uplifting, Sharon. Thank you for encouraging the encourager, and thank you for stopping in. I’ll look forward to having you come back.
So excited for this – and so happy for you! I love every one of your honest, practical, encouraging conversations with me (cuz that’s what your writing feels like.) I’ve sent a number of family members and friends your way on FB – and I’ll send them here! You are doing what you were created for!
Boy, I so appreciate it when someone shares my words. Thank you for that kindness.
I feel the truth of your last line. I’m happy that it all feels like a conversation.
I love how you are sharing what God is doing on your life – various God sightings! Such an encouragement to so many. Great to have you back!
They really are God sightings and appointments. So much fun!
I love the new site! You’ve been such an encouragement over the years with your writing and I can’t wait to see what’s next in your journey.
I can’t wait, either! Excitement is in the air. 🙂
Rhonda, thanks so much for inviting me to your blog. I simply love reading your posts as they are very inspirational to me along with enjoyable, comforting, and thought-provoking. Just keep writing…….🥰
Thank you for this encouragement, friend.
I look forward to spending time here!
And I look forward to having you.
Looking forward to more words of life!
Thank you for the perfect mug that needed to be in these photos. 🙂
So excited for you! You have such an amazing way of speaking life!
I appreciate that, Emily.
Congratulations! So exciting! Thank you for sharing your life lessons learned with the rest of us. I love following along with your adventures. It does encourage my heart. May God bless you more & more! ❤️
Thank you for your blessing, Karey.
So glad to see that you are back!! Missed your refreshing bits of life adventures and lessons!! God bless as you share of Him! Blessings!!
Thank you, Joyce.
Looking forward to hearing from you. God Bless your ministry!
I receive that! 🙂
Beautiful website, Rhonda! I always enjoy and appreciate your writing!
I’m not a coffee drinker, but my husband sure is. 🙂
Here’s the good news–you can order whatever you want from MSR. They sell teas, mugs, and other goodies.
Thanks for visiting!
The things you have to say about loving sons blesses me beyond words God has used your words to confirm what he’s telling me.
I love it when that happens, Linda.
Congrats on the website and this new adventure!
I’m glad you came over.
Thank you for inviting us to your new home. Encouragement is so needed in this broken world. May God continue to use you and strengthen you!
Thank you!
Thank you, again… so much… for your words. Blessings. Jolene
So glad I found you on Facebook, and that by divine appointment, I got to meet (and hug) you in person as well. Thank you for being faithful with the gift God has placed in you; you verbalize what many of us feel and experience, but somehow have difficulty getting it from our hearts onto paper. You inspire me, my friend. That’s what I call you now! I’d love to have coffee with you one day!!
I was glad I could meet you! Thank you for your encouragement, Marilyn.
Your writing draws me in. As I read your posts I feel like I’m sitting with a friend having a cup of coffee. It inspires me to make conversation /connections with those around me (that I wouldn’t normally talk with)…not quite to your extent though…yet. 😊
👏👏👏 Thrilled to hear this. Keep practicing!
Oh Rhonda, I hope to meet you some day in person…I feel like I know you from reading your writings! You truly are an inspiration to me.
You bring comfort to me and your writing touches my heart. <3
That makes me very, very happy, Kathie. XO
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, can’t wait to read more!
I look forward to seeing you here again, Cheryl.
I love your real. The kind of real we all can relate to!
Now that is a compliment to me. I have come to dislike the fake and love the real. So, thank you for this.
I love reading your posts… the way God directs you to speak to people and you listen… your kind heart has a way of connecting, especially to young people, and especially to young men, since you are a “boy mom.” I am challenged and encouraged by this, every single time, and love most, reading about those experiences. Keep listening, and speaking into those precious lives! ❤️
This is helpful to know, Racine. I appreciate this.
Seems to me you, too, have a kind heart. A very precious thing in this world.
I have loved reading your writings. They have inspired me over the years. When you wrote in the Goshen News, I looked forward to your articles, and was sad when you quit!!
That’s always so nice to hear, Ella. Thank you.
The gentle strength in your writings has inspired me so much over the past few years. May God bless you!
God bless you, too.
I really enjoy your blogs! Have you considered writing a book?
Well, yes. Short answer, I know, but the real one. 😀
Thank You for being a pillar of faith, encouragement, and patriotism in our country. Your insight and input has been a blessing to our family. Fight On and Keep Looking Up!!
You’ve been a blessing to us as well. Thank you for this.
Thank you for being honest, genuine and willing to share truth in a way only you can…You go girl!!! Love you
I have happy memories of you and yours. 🙂
I enjoy your colorful stories about real life.
Thanks, Catherine.
Congratulations!! Love reading your posts. Your voice needs to be heard in today’s world.
Thank you! I appreciate that.
Looking forward to reading more insight from you!
I look forward to having you back. 🙂