Author: Rhonda Schrock


Jul 22, 2023

A white, Christian girl (almost) walks into a drag show

I almost ended my 55th trip around the sun by going to a drag show. Of all the places I’ve been (Chiang Mai, for example) and the people I’ve seen

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Jul 22, 2023

America’s mom on law and (dis)order

If numbers, as they say, do not lie, then the picture they’re painting is grim. After a respite from chaos and crime, the once-peaceful climate has been shattered in New

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Jul 01, 2023

From America’s parents, “Hell, no”

On a June day in New York City, they marched. Down Fifth Avenue, bubbles and confetti filling the air, drag queens shimmied and danced, and as they marched, they chanted,

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Jun 24, 2023

The true extreme sport is raising kids

Recently, my husband purchased a tub of peanut M&Ms from Costco (and by tub, I mean a container the size of a Buick). Thanks to an erstwhile friend whose name

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Jun 17, 2023

From a son, “He still has his hand on my back”

This summer, my husband and I will celebrate 36 years of marriage. In those 36 years, we have done a lot, seen a lot, and overcome a whole heckuva lot.

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Jun 10, 2023

Though humans are flawed, the pattern still works

On a Sunday night in June, we’re standing in a line. After grilling brat burgers over an open fire, we’ve taken a leisurely  drive to a family favorite, the local

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Jun 03, 2023

As good citizens, we need civility’s return

It’s getting hot out there. After months of winter and a brief flirtation with spring, we’ve lurched directly into summer. Strawberries, plump and red, are appearing in local markets. Captivated

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May 27, 2023

To honor the fallen, let’s live in freedom’s light

On green, sacred acres, there they sleep. White headstones stretch away into the distance, marching even here—especially here—in military precision. The winter snow falls down, lying atop each one. The

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May 24, 2023

Raising kids with character requires parents with the same

Last weekend, our family celebrated a milestone event. Our third son graduated from Hillsdale College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in politics. As commencement approached, my mind went back

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May 23, 2023

To all of the wallflowers

It was the simplest example I’d ever seen. Standing by the newly-tilled bed, hose in hand, I was performing a precious ritual–the watering of the flowers. Oh, the ineffable holiness

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