Rhonda’s Blog


May 20, 2024

Oh, boy(s)–report from the motherhood trenches

It was a phenomenon I had noticed before. As the mother of boys who communicated with grunts, finger pointing, and one-syllable words, I’d become an expert. “How was school?” I’d

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May 20, 2024

From razing to raising–the good work of demolition

In Sesame Street parlance, the letter of the day is D, and the word on the street is demolition. But first, a story. Glancing to my left, I see him.

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May 20, 2024

In times of loss and collapse, “Okay”

The images were horrifying. The nation watched, riveted, at the slow turn of the giant ship and its unrelenting slide to destruction. Then the crash, and the bridge, it crumpled

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Apr 04, 2024

No consequences, only results–trusting what God has allowed

This post is for family. And by ‘family,’ I mean those who have put their faith in God and, as such, have become one of his kids by the miracle

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Mar 30, 2024

For victims (and purveyors) of shame, there is hope

It came to me on the heels of a big mistake. For months, I’d suffered from brain fog, my short-term memory just shot to the hot place, thanks to long

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Mar 27, 2024

Encounter in the air: tall probation officer meets America’s small, caffeinated mom

This week, I read an alarming story about a Christian woman in 1980s communist Romania who barely survived an assassination attempt by the government. Thanks to President Reagan, she escaped

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Mar 27, 2024

For mature, healthy kids, stop “carrying pillows”

If there was ever a job at which I wanted to be perfect, it was mothering. Unfortunately, the Schrocklets Four did not come with instruction manuals, how-to guides, YouTube tutorials,

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Mar 27, 2024

The grand advantage

It’s been six years now since he left. On February 21, 2018, Billy Graham exhaled mountain air for the last time and inhaled that heavenly air. He was 99. Billy

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Mar 21, 2024

It’s nice to see your face

I’m walking in to work. The wind is cold. The orange sun that rose past the barn this morning has not yet warmed the earth. Passing the library, there she

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Feb 23, 2024

Weighting and waiting

This essay first appeared on The Daily BS on February 10, 2024. His story began with waiting. For 2-1/2 months of preterm labor and bedrest, we awaited his arrival. Sure

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